deeds: effective date vs. recording date
the first chart shows the weekly sales of RVA by recording date (dotted) and effective date (solid); you can see the solid line leads the dotted line by what looks like roughly a month, it's most apparent where there are big changes (Mar / Apr 2020, Jul / Aug 2020) .

it's interesting the recording data is a lot spikier, possibly because they only send deeds over in batches every other week or something? this chart helps your get comfortable with the ~month but another view of the distribution of deeds by delay can help even more .

as you can see from the chart, the median (50th percentile) deed is recorded 23 days after its effective date for this data set; the middle 50% of deeds have a delay of 16-38 days or ~2-5 weeks; while not shown in the chart, the middle 90% of deeds have a delay of 13-89 days or 0.5-3 months; the min and max I found were 3 and 365 days respectively
so I think it's fair to say the recording date is ~one month behind the effective date
- DVC cannot send your deed to be recorded any earlier than 10 days after you sign to buy DVC, however this does happen! (possibly for reasons below)
- if you purchase on a non 1 Jan date, your dues are prorated to the effective day for your first year of purchase
- if you agree to buy, then change something during the process (like adding / removing names on the deed), the effective date may be updated to a more recent date but the dues would still be prorated to your original effective date
- there was quite a spike in sales around Sep 2020 effective dates that coincided with the end of the very good discounts once the sales office reopened
- this gap in effective vs. recording dates is very apparent in the initial BCV and SSR sales; for both of these resorts (and maybe more), points were sold for several months before any deeds were recorded; this leads to an impression of crazy high initial sales when looking at recording dates only because the first month or so of recorded deeds included many more months of effective dates than is typical